Forget personal alarms and martial arts for a moment, they both have their place when you’re out and about to help you stay safe. They’re not going to help you much though when you break down, unlike a tyre inflator.
If you’re in a dark part of town, perhaps renowned for being a bit rough and have to wait for hours for a recovery truck, you may well be better off being able to get back on the move straight away rather than sitting in your locked vehicle.
That’s where a Ring tyre inflator might come in really handy. If it’s a flat or soft tyre that’s interrupted your journey, assuming the tyre isn’t too badly damaged, it probably just needs a little air adding. If you’ve got a portable tyre inflator handy, that’s a fast and simple job. Just increase pressure to the correct level and you can be on your way again.
Even if it’s a slow puncture holding you up, your inflator might well be the difference between getting stranded in a dodgy area and making your way to somewhere safer like a well lit supermarket car park to await further assistance.

Of course, you should only attempt to solve the problem yourself if it’s safe to do so. Generally speaking the hard shoulder of a fast moving motorway is one to leave to the experts. That’s especially true if you happen to need to stop in one of the stretches of motorway without a hard shoulder to shelter in.
Breakdowns can be particularly stressful, so being prepared for these eventualities is wise, and a great way to help yourself stay safe wherever possible. There’s a large range of steps you can take in order to stay as safe as possible. As well as the website, you can also turn to the RAC and AA websites for more great advice.